List of courses
BM41140 Fundamentals in Biomedical Engineering (6 EC)
EE1C1 Linear Circuits A (5 EC)
Circuit theory course for first year EE students, Part 1
EE1C31 Amplifiers and instrumentation (5 EC)
(not running) This course introduces the basics of electronic circuits for processing and amplification of information-carrying signals, and the basics of electronic instrumentation.
EE1D1 Digital Systems A (5 EC)
Basics of digital systems
EE1L1 IP1: Booming Bass (5 EC)
Build, analyze and characterize a sound system consisting of a power source, amplifier and 3-way filters
EE1P11 Classical and Quantum Mechanics (5 EC)
(not running) "Classical and Quantum Mechanics" (EE1P11) teaches the basic elements of physics that are required to become an electrical engineer.
EE2G1 Electrical Engineering for the Next Generation (10 EC)
BSc 2nd year project
EE3380TU Transduction effects (4 EC)
(not running) This course focuses on the interaction between different signal domains. These include effects such as thermo-electric effects, batteries and many more. For each domain, the physics behind the interaction will be discussed. The course will also include a practical to illustrate these interactions.
EE4555 Active implantable biomedical microsystems (5 EC)
Cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants, neuroprostheses, brain–computer interfaces, deep organ pressure sensors, precise drug delivery units, bioelectronic medicine and electroceuticals
EE4C10 Analog circuit design fundamentals (5 EC)
EE4C11 Systems engineering (5 EC)
Introduction to systems engineering processes
ET-Mi-201 Electronics for Robotics (30 EC)
ET3033TU Circuit analysis (3 EC)
Linear electrical circuits and components, non-linear active components in both the analog and the digital domain
ET4127 Themes in biomedical electronics (4 EC)
BioMEMS, biosensors, bioelectronics, ultrasound, microfluidics, wavefield imaging in monitoring, diagnosis and treatment
ET4130 Bioelectricity (3 EC)
Bioelectric phenomena, their sources and their mathematical analysis. Applications to neurostimulation and neuroprosthetic.
ET4252 Analog integrated circuit design (4 EC)
Advanced course in analog circuit synthesis for microelectronic designers
ET4257 Sensors and actuators (4 EC)
ET4369 Nyquist-rate data converters (4 EC)
Architectures for Nyquist-rate ADCs
G3-M10 Minor Translational Neuroscience (30 EC)
(not running) The minor Translational Neuroscience for medical students covers the most important clinical (TRF) and research themes and gives the students a good insight in the added value of translational neuroscience research.
TM12003 Electrostimulation of Neurophysiological systems (5 EC)