EE1C1 Linear Circuits A
This course deals with the calculation of voltages, currents and power in electric circuits with current and voltage sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors. The basic components, different calculation methods and first order circuits are introduced in the first part, EE1C1.
An important part of the first part of Linear Circuits (EE1C1) is a practicum. Here the student learns to read a circuit diagram, to build and engineer an electrical circuit, and to test an electric circuit dealing with real measurements.
After following this course the student should know:
- The basic concepts of electrical circuits (current, voltage, charge, energy, power);
- The basic components as independent sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors, and dependent sources;
- The laws of Ohm's, Kirchhoff's theorem, Norton and Thevenin equivalents, to calculate currents and voltages in circuits;
- Serial and parallel circuits to calculate currents and voltages;
- The nodal method, the mesh method to calculate currents and voltages in circuits;
- How to solve first order differential equations to analyse transients in electric circuits.
- How to build circuits making use of soldering techniques;
- How to read and build a circuit given the diagram of an electrical circuit;
- To interpret data of components in the data sheets;
- How to test an electrical circuit making use of a signal-generator, a meter and / or an oscilloscope
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Last modified: 2024-10-01