ET4127 Themes in biomedical electronics

Topics: BioMEMS, biosensors, bioelectronics, ultrasound, microfluidics, wavefield imaging in monitoring, diagnosis and treatment

The course addresses the impact of microtechnologies on medicine and biology.

The following topics are part of the course:

  • Biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS)
  • Biosensors
  • Micro- and nano-fluidics
  • Bioelectronics
  • Electroceuticals and bioelectronic medicine
  • Electromagnetics and wavefield imaging for MRI
  • Ultrasound (incl. intravascular ultrasound)
  • Lab-on-chip, lab-on-CMOS
  • Biomedical signal processing


prof.dr. Paddy French

Biomedical devices, sensor technology Wouter Serdijn

Circuits and systems for wearable, implantable and injectable medical devices, in particular electroceuticals and bioelectronic medicine.

dr. Vasiliki Giagka

Design and fabrication of active implantable devices; Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for biomedical applications

dr. Massimo Mastrangeli (ECTM)

Organ-on-chip technology, micro/nanosystems assembly, capillary manipulation, solid-liquid interfaces

dr. Clementine Boutry (ECTM)

Biodegradable technologies, biodegradable materials and devices (MEMS, sensors, actuators, and electric circuits) for Organ-on-Chip, medical and environmental applications

dr. Achilleas Savva

Design, fabrication and characterization of organic optoelectronic devices for bioelectronic applications; 3D bioelectronic models for stem cell engineering.

dr. Dante Muratore

Analog and mixed-signal CMOS circuit design for biomedical applications and sensor interfaces; circuit-algorithm co-design; neurophysiology.

dr. Tiago Costa

Analog and mixed-signal circuit design, Microfabrication, Microsystem Integration, Focused ultrasound neuromodulation, Neuroelectronics, Brain stimulation. Leon Abelmann

Magnetism, Nanotechnology, MEMS

Last modified: 2024-09-10


Credits: 4 EC
Period: 0/0/4/0
Contact: Paddy French