Analog and Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits and Systems
Projects under this theme
Medical Delta Cardiac Arrhythmia Lab
Part of a larger program (with Erasmus MC) to unravel and target electropathology related to atrial arrhythmia
ATiNaRI: Asynchronous Time-domain Neural Recording Interfaces
AFFIP -- Atrial Fibrillation FIngerPrinting: Spotting Bio-Electrical Markers to Early Recognize Atrial Fibrillation by the Use o
STW and DHF project (14728). Program leader: Dr. N.M.S. de Groot (ErasmusMC), workpackage leader WP4, High Density Mapping Array: W.A. Serdijn
Digitally Dominant Analog Blocks for Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network
All-digital phase-locked loops, inductor/capacitor-based DC-DC switching converters
Accelerate Innovation in emerging medical devices with open technology platforms
ReaSONS 2 Demo: Realtime Sensing of Neural Signals Demonstrator
Demonstrator of recording tiny neural signals on top of the stimulus and artifact. NWO Demonstrator Grant.
MSc students
- Kainan Zhang
- Yuhan Cheng
- Karolis Navikas
- Gabriel Turcan
- Tu Hoang
- Danny Ferreira Dias
- Ryan Houtman
- Zeyao Huang
- Cecília Molnár (2024)
- Dion Gavin Mascarenhas (2024)
- Yuan Lei (2023)
- Tom Wemelsfelder (2023)
- Yihao Zhang (2023)
- Widesh Gahar (2023)
- Marvin Exalto (2022)
- Yidi Xiao (2022)
- Berend Koele (2021)
- Aitor del Rivero Cortázar (2021)
- Joey van Rijn (2021)
- Olmar van Beurden (2021)
- Ishaan Ghosh (2021)
- Diogo André Dias (2021)
- Xinyu Yang (2021)
- Francesc Varkevisser (2020)
- Shuang Wang (2020)
- Nikhita Baladari (2020)
- Pedro Gaizka Zufiria Gerboles (2020)
- Alberto Gancedo Reguilon (2020)
- Anirudh Kumar Parag (2019)
- Aurojyoti Das (2019)
- Luc van Wietmarschen (2019)
- Marc Bisschop (2019)
- Gerard Baquer Gómez (2018)
- Dieuwert Mul (2018)
- Tim Steunebrink (2018)
- Ali Kaichouhi (2018)
- Minghui Liu (2018)