Biosignal acquisition, conditioning and processing

Contact: Wouter Serdijn

Brain Chips
The trend in electrophysiological signal acquisition is (simply) to increase the number of recording channels. However, as the number of simultaneous readout channels increases, despite the total increase in information, the information per channel goes down and the signals tend to become more sparse.

However, the vast majority of electronic readout systems have been optimized for man-made signals, the magnitudes and frequencies of which are more or less uniformly or normally distributed and do not take into account the sparse signal properties of more natural signals, such as the ECG and action potentials.

Major challenges are thus 1) the scaling up of recording channels while accounting for the sparsity of the signal to achieve a low overall power consumption and form factor; 2) the digitization, bundling and transport of these signals; 3) signal processing, incl. signal analysis, clustering, classification, etc.

Projects under this theme

ATiNaRI: Asynchronous Time-domain Neural Recording Interfaces

AFFIP -- Atrial Fibrillation FIngerPrinting: Spotting Bio-Electrical Markers to Early Recognize Atrial Fibrillation by the Use o

STW and DHF project (14728). Program leader: Dr. N.M.S. de Groot (ErasmusMC), workpackage leader WP4, High Density Mapping Array: W.A. Serdijn


An Integrated Pilot Line for Micro-Fabricated Medical Devices


Medical Delta Cardiac Arrhythmia Lab

Part of a larger program (with Erasmus MC) to unravel and target electropathology related to atrial arrhythmia

ReaSONS 2 Demo: Realtime Sensing of Neural Signals Demonstrator

Demonstrator of recording tiny neural signals on top of the stimulus and artifact. NWO Demonstrator Grant.

MASSIVE - Autonomous Vital Sign Monitoring

In this research program, we work on electroceuticals that wirelessly receive power and wirelessly transmit vital signs like body temperature, ECG, EMG, EEG and ECoG.

REASONS – Realtime Sensing of Neural Signals

This project targets the development of a completely new readout system for measuring the so called electrically evoked compound action potential (eCAP) coming from the auditory nerve.

SINs - Smart Implantable Neurostimulators

In this research program we push the research and development of technology for research on and treatment of a multitude of brain disorders, a.o., tinnitus and addiction.