Research Themes
The group has organized its research in several tracks or research themes, each consisting of a number of related projects.
Biosignal acquisition, conditioning and processing
Electronic readout for biomedical signals
Neuroprosthetics, - stimulation and -modulation
Transcutaneous Wireless Communication
Wireless Power Transfer, Power Management and Energy Harvesting
Analog and Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits and Systems
Bioinspired electronics
Better electronics from understanding the way nature processes signals, but also better electronics by taking advantage of the nun-uniform nature of biosignals.
Flexible implants
Addressing the challenge to host an implant in a flexible body while covering relatively large connecting distances
Microsystem integration
Ger de Graaf's projects in Micro- systems and sensors.
Sensors and Actuators
Theme of Paddy French on sensors and actuators that are not microfabricated
Brain-Machine Interfaces
Microelectronics and Microsystems for Next-Generation Brain-Machine Interfaces