Ger de Graaf


  1. Simultaneous detection of oxygen tension and pH for organ health monitoring during transplants
    Avik Sett; Robbert Friendwijk; Shaogang Wang; Ger de Graaf; Massimo Mastrangeli; Paddy French;
    In Peoceeding MNE 2024,

  2. Opto-chemical pH detection of Myocardial Ischaemia using Fluorescent Hydrogels
    Ger de Graaf; Maurits Frans Vriesendorp; Amin Hassan; Patrick James French;
    IEEE Sensors Journal,
    Volume 22, Issue 11, pp. 10901-10909, June 2022. DOI: doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3166709
    Keywords: ... Fluorescence, ischaemia, hydrogel, optical pH probe, HPTS, pyranine, fluorescent dye, dual wavelength excitation, ratiometric detection.

    Abstract: ... In this research fluorescent optochemical pH probes for the detection of ischaemia have been investigated. Myocardial ischaemia is the most prominent risk during heart surgery. During open heart surgery the heart is temporarily arrested and, since there no blood flowing, oxygen supply and removal of waste products is stopped and heart cells can be damaged. In this paper we propose a novel method to monitor the condition of the heart by placing optochemical pH sensors on several strategic places around the heart during surgery. Low cost opto-chemical pH sensors, using a HPTS (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrene trisulfonic acid trisodium salt) fluorescent dye encapsulated in a thin bio-compatible hydrogel layer, were investigated for this application. Our research started with an extensive optical characterization of several types of hydrogel layers at different pH levels. Secondly a reflection probe prototype using several of these layers was designed, built and tested. Dual wavelength excitation and ratiometric detection of the fluorescent signals was used to detect the pH level. Typical output signals of 35% to 53% per pH in the range from 6.5-8.0 pH have been measured and a response time of typically 400 seconds was obtained for the prototypes. Finally based on our measurements on the HPTS layers and the reflection probe we propose an improved type of pH probe for the detection of ischaemia during open heart surgery.

    G. de Graaf; D. Kuratomi Cruz; J. Haartsen; F. Hooijschuur; P. French;
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.,
    Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 1052-1062, 10 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2019.2930312
    Keywords: ... IR Sensor, heart rate, ear piece.

    Abstract: ... The heart rate is a vital indicator of the health state of an individual. By continuously monitoring it, the fitness and health of the cardiovascular system of a user can be analyzed and impending problematic health episodes could be addressed better. Existing techniques to measure heart rate, such as electrocardiogram or photoplethysmography, are either uncomfortable for the user, or are not low-power or sensitive to motion artifacts. Infrared thermography is a non-contact technique with improved user comfort and low power consumption. In this paper, we have analyzed, built, and tested a novel system that uses infrared differential thermometry to detect the heart rate in the auricle. The sensor system was fitted into a commercial headphone since this paper is a first step into integration of the system in a Bluetooth headset. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no previous work on the detection of the heart rate signal in the ear using infrared thermometry. Positive results have been obtained after extraction of the frequency features of the bioheat transfer signal on test persons in rest.

  4. Heart rate monitoring using infrared thermometry in an earpiece
    D. Kuratomi Cruz; G. de Graaf; J.C. Haartsen; F. Hooijschuur; P.J. French;
    In Ravinder Dahiya, Srinivas Tadigadapa (Ed.), 2017 IEEE SENSORS,
    IEEE, IEEE, pp. 3, November 2017.
    Keywords: ... Heart rate; Infrared Thermometry; Wavelet Transform..

    Abstract: ... Heart rate is a key factor in cardiovascular system monitoring and sports science. Some recent commercial applications use sensors in the ear but are faced with motion artifacts which corrupts the signal. Infrared thermography is a non-contact technique and may minimize motion effects with better user comfort and lower power consumption. We propose a novel system that uses infrared differential thermometry to detect the heart rate in the auricle. The signal analysis is performed using a continuous wavelet transform which extract frequency features of the bioheat transfer waveforms. Preliminary results taken from the neck provide proof of concept and similar results from the ear are expected.

    ISBN: 978-1-5090-1012-7

  5. The micronium-a musical MEMS instrument
    Engelen, Johan B. C.; De Boer, Hylco; Beekman, Jethro G.; Fortgens, Laurens C.; De Graaf, Derk B.; Vocke, Sander; Abelmann, Leon;
    Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
    Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 262 – 269, 2012. All Open Access, Green Open Access. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2179016
    Keywords: ... Electromechanical devices; MEMS; Musical instruments; Resonators; Ambient pressures; Audible frequency; Audio signal; Capacitive displacement sensors; Comb drive; Electrostatic tuning; Many resonators; Mass spring systems; Measurement results; MEMS technology; Micro-instrument; MP3 files; Quality factors; Sine-wave; Tunable resonators; Tuning ratio; Instruments.

    Abstract: ... The Micronium is a musical instrument fabricated from silicon using microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology. It isto the best of our knowledgethe first musical micro-instrument fabricated using MEMS technology, where the actual sound is generated by mechanical microstructures. The Micronium consists of mass-spring systems that are designed to resonate at audible frequencies. Their displacement is measured by comb drives and is used as the audio signal to drive a loudspeaker. The instrument's sounds are pure sine waves. An extensive set of measurements of individual resonators is presented and discussed. Quality factor measurements at various ambient pressures show that an ambient pressure of 1 mbar results in a note duration of 1 s. The realized frequency deviates considerably from the designed resonator frequency. Measurement results of many resonators are shown to obtain understanding of this deviation. Initial experiments with electrostatic tuning using variable-gap comb drives show a tuning ratio of 5% maximum, depending on the resonator frequency. An audio recording of the instrument is included as a supplementary MP3 file. © 2012 IEEE.


  6. Silicon carbide thin film encapsulation of planar thermo- electric infrared detectors for an IR microspectrometer
    V. Rajaraman; G. de Graaf; P.J. French; K.A.A. Makinwa; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
    {van Honschoten}, J; H Verputten; H Groenland (Ed.);
    MME, , pp. 20-23, 2010.

  7. Optical measurements on drain fluid for the detection of anastomotic leakage
    L. Pakula; D. Tanase; G. de Graaf; P.J. French; K. Kraal; J.F. Lange;
    In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd annual International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology,
    IEEE, pp. 72-75, 2005. Editor onbekend JH.

  8. A CMOS Semi-Custom Chip for Mixed Signal Designs
    Van Genderen, AJ; Cotofana, SD; De Graaf, G; Kaichouhi, A; Liedorp, J; Nouta, R; Pertijs, MAP; Verhoeven, CJM;
    In Book of abstracts, ProRISC 2004,
    ProRISC, 2004.

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