MSc thesis examples

MSc Microelectronics

2025 Rui MaoAn Alternative ADC for MPPT Applications in a PV-PMIC System -- A current sampling low power ADC with Non-Linearity Canceling Time-to-Digital Converter
2024 Kutucu CerenA biodegradalble optical filter and photodetector for monitoring oxygen in living tissue
Dion Gavin MascarenhasA 7-Channel Code-Multiplexed Analog CMOS Front-End using an On-Chip Orthogonal Walsh-Hadamard Sequence Generator
Kwok Hang LuoPowering Electronics worn by Group-Housed Rodents: A Control Loop Design for a Rodent’s Headstage
Hsukang ChenArtifact-Free Neurostimulator with Arbitrary Waveform Generation for High-Channel, High-Density Bidirectional Neural Interfaces
Ronald WijermarsAn Optimised Approach to Wireless Power Transfer for an Artificial Retina Implant
2023 Yuan LeiAn Area- and Energy-Efficient Ultrasonic Pulser Based on Self-timed Stepwise Charging
Remy ZhangA Novel Neural Recording IC with Adaptive Gain Control for Wide-Dynamic Range Closed-Loop Neural Interfaces
Xinyu LiuCold Start for energy harvester with piezo transducer
Niels van DammeThe integration of bulk PZT transducers in a microfabricated cuff implant for Vagus Nerve ultrasound neuromodulation: Simulation, design and fabrication
Chunyan XueWearable Ultrasonic Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Yihao ZhangAn Energy-Efficient High-Voltage Pulser for 2D Ultrasound Phased-Array Transmitters
Widesh GaharA Lamb wave-based liquid sensor for biomedical applications
2022 Hankai YangAn 11-bit 2MS/s column parallel SAR-RAMP ADC for ToF imager readout
Cyril WeustinkAlways-on wireless ear-EEG to monitor brain activity
Bauke MeekesEnergy Harvesting PMIC Design for an Extended Power Range
Marvin ExaltoCompact Neural Amplifier for Next-Generation Brain-Machine Interfaces
Yidi XiaoEnergy-Efficient High-Voltage Driver for High-Frequency Ultrasound Medical Applications
2021 Berend KoeleIntegrating Ultrasound Neuromodulation and Imaging. A System Concept for a Non-Invasive Image-Guided Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Jasper RietveldPASiC Ammonia Sensor Design: On Modelling the PASiC Layer, Electrode Designs and Device Fabrication
Aitor del Rivero CortázarMicroelectronic design of a pseudo voltage clamp for a 0.18um CMOS-based mesoscale neural interface for intracellular in-vitro recording and stimulation
Joey van RijnNear-Realtime Low Power Epileptic Seizure Detection Using ANNs
Olmar van BeurdenIlluminance Calculation Algorithm and Hardware for Simultaneous Sensing and Energy Harvesting Using Solar Cell Harvester at Maximum Power Point
Ishaan GhoshCMOS driving channel for ultrasonic neurovascular stent
Xinyu YangUltrasound Transmitter for Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Emmanouil (Manos) KandilakisUltra-Low Energy Time-Mode ADC with Background Calibration for Biomedical Sensing Applications
2020 Francesc VarkevisserA Charge Controlled Switched-Voltage Mode Neurostimulator
Shuang WangAn ultrasound receiver channel for vagus nerve imaging
Asli YelkenciA 16-Channel CMOS Reconfigurable Recording Unit for Simultaneous In-Vitro Microelectrode Array and Current-Clamp Measurements
Caitlin RamseySafety Investigation of Millimeter Wave Radar to Monitor Vital Signs in the NICU
Shengjie ChenA 3-by-3 400-MHz LC microsensor array for wireless capacitive biosensing
Gayatri AgarwalPVT Tolerant Transconductor for Low-Voltage Highly-Selective High-Frequency Filter of MRI Front-end Receiver
Brian NanhekhanPWM-based Transthoracic Bioimpedance Analyzer for Detecting Heart Failures
Pedro Gaizka Zufiria GerbolesAn Efficacious and Safe Multichannel Neurostimulator Powered by an Ultrasonic Wireless Link
Tim HosmanHigh-density interconnect technology optimised for flexible implants
Alberto Gancedo ReguilonDesign and Analysis of a General Purpose Biosignal Acquisition System
2019 Anirudh Kumar ParagENMOS - Energy Module for Self-Sustainable Wearable Sensors
Aurojyoti DasMultichannel LC ADC to Record Atrial Electrograms
Yashwanth Sai Reddy VyzaCapacitive Microelectrode Arrays for In-Vitro Analysis of Neural Activity
Luc van WietmarschenEnergy harvesting on the human body -- Hybrid charge pump design for cold start compatibility and high efficiency harvesting with minimal footprint
Marc BisschopResistive Matching using an AC Boost Converter for Efficient Ultrasonic Wireless Power Transfer
Koen EmmerAnalysing the performance of KHFAC nerve block stimulation parameters
Gandhika WardhanaA Flexible Transparent Graphene Electrode Array for Spinal Cord Stimulation in Rats
2018 Gerard Baquer GómezOptimal stimulation waveform for efficacious high-frequency block of the pudendal nerve with minimized electrochemical damage: A computer simulation optimization approach
Dieuwert MulStochastic Resonance Analog-to-Digital Conversion -- 1-Bit Signal Acquisition Employing Noise
Tim SteunebrinkLow-power low-cost readout electronics for inductive vital-sign measurements
Ali KaichouhiIQ Offset and Gain Mismatch Compensation for Phase-Domain ADC
Minghui LiuPassive Wireless ECoG Monitoring On Multiple Subjects
2017 Lichao WuDesign of a Pipeline Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) Suitable for Transducer Array Channel Multiplexing
Ernesto Gonzales HuamanA Low-Complexitry CMOS Receiver for UWB Signals
Hongming YuStructured Design of an External NMOS based Linear Voltage Regulator for Automotive Applications
2016 Yang Jiang8uW to 1mW Input Power Management IC Design for RF Energy Harvester
Yao LiA 0.6V Low Noise Current Generator for Bio-Impedance Measurements in 40nm CMOS
Qiuyang LinA 0.6V, 1 uW, Low-Power Low-Noise Instrumentation Amplifier for ECG/BioZ measurement in 40nm CMOS
Samprajani RoutStructured Electronic Design of High-Pass ∆Σ Converters and their application to cardiac signal acquisition
Ide SwagerPassive Wireless ECoG Monitoring on Multiple Subjects
Joost KerpelsIn vivo multicell inferior olivary recordings: alternative design methods for creating cheap and flexible electrode structures
Matthijs WeskinA compact multi-electrode system to measure in vivo electrical activity in the olivocerebellar system -- measuring sub-threshold oscillations and action potentials spatially and over time
2015 Sander FondseSWEAT: Sleeping Wireless Energy Transfer And Trickle Charger
2014 Jialue WangDesign of a Boost DC-DC Converter for Energy Harvesting Applications in 40nm CMOS Process
Menno VastenholtA Sub-GHz UWB Correlation Receiver for Wireless Biomedical Communication
2013 Luis Carlos GutierrezAnalysis and Design of MHz-range Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Implantable Devices
Eric MuijsA CMOS Temperature Compensated Log-Amp Detector
2010 Mark StoopmanA Sub-GHz UWB Pulse Generator for Wireless Biomedical Communication
Cees-Jeroen BesA front-end for sensing the stimulation and response of auditory nerve cells
Senad HiseniUltra Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits for Extracellular Action Potential Detection
2009 Marijn Van DongenA versatile output stage for implantable neural stimulators
Y. ShamsaLC Ladder Based Orthonormal Filter for Impulse-Radio UWB Pulse Generation.
S. Al-AhdabAn Ultra Low Power Fully Integrated Sensor Interface IC for Pacemakers
M.A. GrashuisA fully differential switched capacitor wavelet filter
S. WangA 10-bit 25Msps Pipeline ADC for Companding Baseband Processing in Wireless Application

MSc Computer Engineering

2015 Athanasios KarapatisNext-generation neuromodulator for epilepsy prevention

MSc Biomedical Engineering

2024 Nerea Alvarez de Eulate LlanoMicroelectrode Arrays based on Transfer-free Multilayer Graphene and PEDOT:PSS for Neural Activity
Maria CamarenaFabrication of Transfer-free Corrugated Graphene Electrodes for Neuroelectronic Applications
Cecília MolnárElectro-acoustic heart interface for mapping 3D cardiac electro-mechanical coupling in Arrhythmia
Juan Francisco CabelloComparison of tactile, electrical, and magnetic neurostimulation methods on an earthworm model
Jonathan KneepkensBimodal stimulator for treating tinnitus -- Electrical stimulation circuit design and safety of a bimodal stimulation device for the treatment of tinnitus
Remco van der StoepTemporal Current Steering -- a novel stimulation technique for increased spatial selectivity in vagus nerve stimulation
Inés de los Mozos VargasOptimization algorithm for visual cortex stimulation
Stef ZwartveldBi-modal Stimulator: Simultaneous electrical and acoustical stimulation to test a hypothesis for treating tinnitus
Pablo de Anta DardaganElectrode Characterization for Neural Interfaces: Development of a testing platform for reliability and standardization of results, validated via a characterization study of subpar electrodes
Daniel LagunaStretchable electronics for in-vitro peripheral nerve studies
Bas HaayenFailure Mechanisms of balanced arature receivers uder drop and shock loading conditions.
2023 Claudia KruisselAn eye-movement monitoring device for premature babies
Eduardo Puchol MorejónLossless Integration of Piezoelectric Transducers in CMOS Technology: Design and optimization of the microfabrication process
Tom WemelsfelderElectronic quality factor control for piezoelectric transducer arrays
Hidde WoerdmanA novel flexible ultrasound neurostimulator featuring a pitch-matched 2D array
Kiana GriffithOptimizing Sensitivity of Capacitive Pressure Sensors for Improved Intraocular Pressure Monitoring
Yawende LandbrugAssessment Of The Spike Detection Performance Of The Wired-OR Readout Architecture
Christos ToitosTowards an Energy-Efficient Inductively-Powered Ultra-High Frequency Pulsed Neurostimulator
Reka SavundranayagamAcoustic Fresnel lens to focus ultrasound for in vitro neuromodulation
Samantha RiceGraphene with Platinum Nanoparticles for Neural Recording and Stimulation
2022 Izaka TesselaarDevelopment of a Pullback Device for Intravascular Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Catheter Imaging
Patricija BurgarDesign of Flexible Dry CNT/PDMS Electrodes for In-ear EEG
Niels BurghoornBiophysical mechanisms responsible for ultrasound neuromodulation in bilayer lipid membranes
Niels van LithVoNA The Visualisation of Neuronal Activation
Ignas DileviciusVascular Stent with Piezoelectric Transducers for High-Spatial Ultrasound Mediate Neuromodulation. Finite Element Method Simulations of an Ultrasound Array within Brain Vasculature
Christiaan BoerkampObject detection inside a wearable ultrasound neuromodulator patch: A deeper look into implementing ultrasound neuromodulator patches and how to find nerves using computer vision techniques
2021 Rohan BrashArtifact-Free Stimulation for Next-Generation Single-Cell Resolution Epiretinal Implants
Medha KrishnaswamyDesign and Fabrication of a Thin Film Optogenetic ECoG Array with Individually Addressable Micro-LEDs
José López HidalgoInertial Measurement Unit-based post-surgery knee rehabilitation
Fabian KortekaasUsing Gesture Detection as a User Interface for Customized Earphones
Maurits VriesendorpDetecting myocardial ischaemia with optochemical sensing by using a fluorescent hydrogel: Combining optical and chemical sensing to save lives
Luca van 't HulFontan Circulation: The performance of different conduit sizes
Georg HahnAssessing the state of security of Medical BANs and the IEEE 802.15.6 standard
Alberto Miralles AbeteTowards All-Polymeric Cochlear Implant Micro-Electrode Arrays
Merlin PalmarImproving electrical characteristics of graphene neural electrode (with nanoparticles and doping).
Django BruninkEngineering solutions to neural stem cell differentiation challenges
Erik WiriantoPredicting Infections in Preterm Infants with Thermal Imaging Technology
Bas BosmaPredicting Infection Using Infrared Thermography in Premature Infants: Quantifying the Interaction Between Infrared Thermography and a Neonatal Incubator
2020 Alessandro Barbon PedrinaDesign of a novel multi-modal stimulation device for the treatment of tinnitus
Séline van der WoudeComputational modeling of hepatic blood flow in Fontan circulations
Vasileios SkrekasIndustry Compliant Wireless Power and Data Transfer Module Towards Ensuring Battery Denial of Service Protection
Prodromos GavriilidisApplication of OCT and IVUS to investigate the combined effect of plaque structural stress and wall shear stress on plaque progression in human coronary arteries
2019 Areti SfakianouFunctional Characterization of Human iPSC-Derived Neural Networks using MEA Systems for In-Vitro Modeling of Psychiatric Disorders
Andrada VeleaFlexible Graphene-Based Passive and Active Spinal Cord Implants
Thomas BakkerReal-time monitoring of sweat of Cystic Fibrosis patients
Tim BeintemaQuantitative Analysis in Neonatal Healthcare: Detecting Delta Brushes with the Wavelet Transform
Konstantinos LekkasA Power Efficient Multichannel Neurostimulator Based on the Ultra High Frequency Technique for Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applications
Irene SurianiUnobtrusive Monitoring of Fluid Accumulation in the Body Using Ballistocardiography: A Feasibility Study
Esther FridriksdottirA Deep Learning Algorithm for Patient Activity Recognition using a Chest-worn Accelerometer (HealthDot)
Anastasios MalissovasInfluence of soft encapsulation on the wireless power transfer for bioelectronic medicine
2018 Chengyu HuangDesign and MEMS Microfabrication of an Optrode for Combined Optogenetics and Electrophysiology Studies
Lucia TacchettiUltrasonic Power Transfer for Ultra-High-Frequency Biphasic Electrical Neural Stimulation
Miguel Veloso O’DonellNoise Correlations and Template Matching on Neural Recordings
2017 Maria Silos ViuSOMNUS: An Ultra-Wideband Radar-Based Approach for Neonatal Sleep State Classification
Abdi Insani BangsaSystem Building Blocks for Mathematical operators using Stochastic Resonance: application in an action potential detection system
Guðrún Erla ÓlafsdóttirAn Implantable Spinal Cord Stimulator with Adaptive Voltage Compliance for Freely Moving Rats
Jinne GeelenTerahertz Torching -- towards closed-loop neurostimulation of group-housed freely moving rodents
Jeroen RölingTracking Location and Orientation of Multiple Group Housed Rodents
2016 Farnaz Nassiri NiaWireless Power Transfer and Optogenetic Stimulation of Freely Moving Rodents
Maciej KostalkowskiaEEG Analog Front-End IC for Neonatal Brain Development Monitoring
2015 Arundhati RadhakrishnanApplication of ultrasound to remove thrombi from the LVAD
2013 Horacio JimenezThe Spike app: A programable neuron to stimulate brain slices in electrophysiology


2015 Alessandro UrsoAn Ultra-High Frequency Neurostimulator Circuit with High Power Efficiency

MSc Embedded Systems

2022 Sushant NarangHow to identify and leverage Lead Users as a stepping stone to bring Biloq’s user authentication product to market?
2020 Corniel JoosseAbsence seizure prediction using recurrent neural networks